Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is it wrong...

...that I fell asleep during the debate last night. Literally, snoring away. If it wasn't for the fact that the phone rang, I probably would have slept right through the night!

Now yes, this is showing I probably need more sleep, but to me what it means is that these two guys don't having anything new, different, exciting to say to keep me awake! How sad is that? We are in the middle of the worst financial crisis of our time. We are literally less than one month away from Election Day and no one is saying anything. Well, I take that back...they are saying lots of stuff. Lots of nasty stuff. And they are saying it over and over again. This is sooooo frustrating!

You know, if it was for the fact that I made my voting decision a while ago AND I paid attention for the last year or so, if I was just checking in now on this election I just wouldn't vote...THAT'S how frustrated I am right now. I wonder how many others have just had it too???

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