Friday, February 8, 2008

Fun Fact Friday #6

Happy Birthday Legos!!!  It's been 50 years since Lego building bricks first hit stores!!!  And according to Time Magazine, 7 sets of Legos are sold every second by retailers worldwide.  Not THAT'S a lot of Legos.
I have to this day, Legos are STILL one of my favorite toys!


Peanut said...

I love legos.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Lego, I am still finding it down the side of the sofa, and its quite a few years obviously since any of mine have played with it!

love and light, Jeannie x
Have a great weekend Michele!

The Brat Pack said...

Wow, 50 years. I love Legos, but have you bought any lately? Insane expensive now!

Actually, we tried putting together one of those Lego kits to make a cool spaceship or something and you needed an engineering degree...then the 8 year old came and threw it together in record time. Figures.

Stylin said...

Love them !!!
We never had them in India but I had uncles who worked abroad and I was the only neice so I recieved huge parcels from them !!!
PS:I am Frasiers mum!

Jessica said...

My son went through quite a few years of lego mania!! Every birhtday, Christmas and any other accassion he could think of, Lego's was on his list!! This lasted for years only ending about 3 years ago. It was a sad Christmas when I realized it was the first Christmas I could remember that I wasn't buying Lego's anymore.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Legos are awesome. I gave my hubby a Lego airplane set for Christmas and he spent all day playing. NOw the airplane is sitting on top of the tv in the bedroom. Maybe not such a smart idea! :-)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Michele! Thanks for your comments on the other blog! I am still keeping Jeannie! up to date as well and Hollow Hound! I will not be beaten! love and light from spring like Scotland, Jeannie xxxxx

ps I have put a Scottish Post on Jeannie today, as we went to Glasgow.

J x Hugs to Ruby!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy Valentine's Day Michele!

love and light, from Jeannie Green Eyes in Scotland xxxxxx