Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Fun Fact #1

For years I've been known (more aptly accused) of being the purveyor of useless information. You know, the stupid little things you hear and seem to always remember versus remembering something useful, like say your phone number??? So I thought I would start a little feature to share some of these little tid-bits.

In keeping with the 'Get Green' resolution for 2008 I give you this little item hot off my 'Page-a-Day Living Green 2008' online calendar...

" bringing your own reusable basket or mesh bags to the supermarket. If you go grocery shopping once a week, in five years you’ll have kept anywhere from 250 to 1,000 grocery bags out of our landfills."
The trick for me is remembering said reusable bags...that and getting rid of the 250 to 1000 paper grocery bags I already have!


Peanut said...

paper grocery bags can be recycled. :) Reusable grocery bags are great.
Oh and my husband remembers useless information very well also.


The Brat Pack said...

I know this is dorky, but I ordered these trendy looking bags that will fold to fit in my purse so I won't forget. Plus I thought they were cute so I'd be motivated to carry them. ;)

I need one of those calendars!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

If you reuse said grocery bags for trash can liners, is that recycling them? :-)

I just noticed you Wii fitness score. I love my Wii!! I suck at the fitness things though. Tennis and baseball are terrible. Last time I did my score it was like in the 70s. I should try it again this weekend.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I am totally renown in our local store for forgetting my reusable bags - the girls always say to me - "have you left your bags in the car again?!!!!!"

I re use the plastic bags for "poop bags" but even so even Marvin cannot poop enough for the ones I have stored away!

My youngest has just bought a Wii on ebay, its amazing, I was bowling the other day, I bowl better on screen than when we go to the Ten Pin Bowling alley!!!!!

love and light, Jeannie

Ferndoggle said...

I'm a plethora of useless information!! And after 5 years, I *almost* have my cell phone # memorized!

I recycle our plastic bags at the local grocery store (or use them to collect poop in the backyard). I really should invest in some good quality reusable bags.


The Brat Pack said...

OK, I was at the evil empire Walmart tonight (that I'm trying to stop going to) and had my not-so-trendy-but-huge Be Green Half Priced Book .98 cent bag and thought of you. ;)


Ferndoggle said...

I just bought 4 reusable grocery bags yesterday & thought of you when I was buying them!

NO ONE around here uses them & I can't wait to see all of the strange looks I get at the store!! Maybe I can pay it forward & inspire someone else.
